Skipjack Tuna Steaks 1kg/Frozen

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FZ16545 SKJ steak 1kg
per 1 kg

Skipjack Tuna, occasionally known as Striped Tuna, is renowned for its bold flavour.

The flavoursome steaks are well suited to stronger flavour profiles and seasonings.

Pack contains 1kg of approx 2.5cm (1 inch) thick steaks.



Member of the Scombridge family (mackerels and Tuna)

Geographical location

Skipjack Tuna are typically a schooling species, with juveniles and adults forming large schools at or near the surface in tropical and warm-temperate waters to at least 40° >

The western and central Pacific Ocean supports the largest tuna fishery in the world by volume. A large portion of this catch comes from purse seine fisheries for Skipjack Tuna.

Skipjack movement is variable but is thought to be influenced by large-scale oceanographic conditions. Individual tagged Skipjack Tuna have shown movements of over several thousand nautical miles but also exhibit periods of residence around islands in the central and western Pacific. They migrate to warmer waters for the winter months. Spawning occurs year-round in tropical waters.

Based in the Western and Central Pacific for most of the year and returning to New Zealand during the summer months, th

Skipjack Tuna are torpedo shaped and have a dark purple ridge on their back; a bluish sheen on the upper sides and silver white lower sides and belly with four to six dark longitudinal stripes.

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